健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Thursday, January 13, 2005

大麦草饮料/Barley Grass Drink

barley grass


  1. 祛病抗疾- 大麦草饮料富含能促进免疫系统的营养素如维生素B群,包括维生素B12,叶酸 ,泛酸, B1, B2, B6,β胡萝卜素, C 和 E等;其他含于大麦草饮料的恒定元素和痕量元素有超过70种的矿物包括钙,铁,镁和磷等。
  2. 排毒清肠-大麦草饮料富含大量膳食纤维,刺激肠道蠕动,强化器官解毒能力,达到强身护体作用。
  3. 瘦身减肥:其服用后的饱满感觉,利于瘦身,是代替危险泻药处方的良好膳食。
  4. 润肠通便- 大麦草饮料的高膳食纤维助软化粪便,具润肠通便的功能。
  5. 美颜益寿- 大麦草饮料中的数以万计活性植物酵素;其含有的18种氨基酸,易为血液吸收,是支援身体酵素生产的蛋白。酵素是身体内的「劳动资源」,扮演着身体器官机能操作的关键角色; 大麦草饮料也是绿叶素的丰富来源。绿叶素作用于促进身体组织及血液细胞成长,可加速创伤复原。
  6. 敏捷思维:大麦草饮料是碱性化合物丰富来源,如钠,钾,钙和镁,其显著作用是帮助平衡身体碱酸度。研究显示酸碱平衡优越者智商高于酸性身体者。
  7. 强心护肝- 大麦草饮料提供许多保健补益,包括健康肝心脏维护, 和循环系统。其中大豆卵磷脂被证明具有抗氧化物,可助缓和肝病症状,安胎和促进儿童发育。
  8. 安全膳食-大麦草饮料不含染色剂,调味剂,防腐剂等,可长期服用。
    服法: 成人: 将1瓢(10g)大麦草饮料注入300cc温水。搅拌后服用。儿童: 半量。
    注意: 服用初期,高纤维质可能导致排泄物稀烂,可适当调整服量。服后,盖紧容器。
    barley grass
    Barley Grass Drink is a fantastic organic food formulated with various kinds of specially selected ingredients such as wheat, beans, grains vegetables, seaweed that provides you the following benefits:-
    1. Protect you from infections- Barley grass Drink is excellent source of the nutrients required by human body for boosting immune system such as B vitamins, including Vitamin B12, folic acid, panthothenic acid, B1, B2, B6, beta carotene, and C and E. Other constant elements and trace elements in Barley Grass drink consists of more than 70 minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
    barley grass
    2. Cleanse your body and help growth- Barley Grass contains 30 % of dietary fibre that improves gastrointestinal health especially beneficial to body detoxification in maintenance of healthy functions of body organs.
    3. Help you control obesity: It also provides diets that give feeling of fullness in the control of obesity.
    4. Relieve you from constipation: It is especially beneficial to those who have bowel problem that improves effectively bowel regularity in replacement of taking dangerous laxatives. It is as well an excellent source of chlorophyll that not only helps purifying the body but also boosting body growth.

barley grass
5. Keep you look young and prolong your lifespan
- Barley Grass Drink is packed with thousands of active enzymes that recruit body-made enzymes in the body. It also contains 18 amino acids highly absorbable by the blood for the production of enzymes that acts as ‘labour force’ in aiding various aspects of process essential for wellbeing and vitality.
6. Keep you mental responsive- Green barley grass helps alleviate alkaline/acid balance due to its buffer minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium that contribute high alkalizing effect. Research reveals that people well-balanced acid/alkali ratio have significant higher IQ than those of acidic body.
barley grass
7. Safeguard your liver and heart healthy- Barley Grass Drink contains Soy Lecithin that provides numerous health benefits, including the maintenance of a healthy liver, a healthy heart and circulatory system, increasing physical performance, and successful pregnancy and child development. Soy lecithin is also proved to have antioxidant properties that helps alleviate the symptoms of liver disease.
8. Barley Grass Drink is safe for long-term consumption: it is free from any artificial flavoring, coloring, preservatives etc.
Direction of use: For adult: Add 1 scoop (10g) of Barley Grass Drink to 300 cc of warm water. Serve immediately.
For children: Half of the serve.
Caution: It is advisable to adjust the amount of serve adaptable to the bowel condition as result of high-fibre intake in your early stage of consumption.
Keep the container tightly capped after use.


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