健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


HOPO UMEI JUICE, also known as HOPO Dark Plum Juice, is an ideal selection for your daily diet menu for its great source of various vitamins & minerals like vitamin C, B2, potassium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, etc., and is claimed as an excellent anti-oxidant  that promotes your health in the following ways:-
·         It helps improve your body’s blood quality as its Ascorbic acid, vitamin C and other organic acids helps increase the efficiency in iron absorption.
·         Its treasury of potassium is an essential nutrient beneficial in controlling your blood pressure.
·         It prevents oxidation in your body from free radicals to act as an anti-aging agent that delays aging and maintains your youthfulness
·         The latest research shows that phytonutrients in plum help alkalize human body for relieving fatigue, stimulating the digestion, and promoting the the removal of toxins from the body for energetic well-being, better body’s PH—balance that  aids reduce  the risk of developing cancer.
河婆乌梅汤是您每日饮食菜单的理想选择,它是各种维生素和矿物质的重要来源,包括维生素CB2,钾,镁,锰,磷,铁,钙,锌等,是优质的天然抗氧化剂,能促进您的如下健康效益: -
·         它具有抗坏血酸,维生素C等有机酸,提供人体高效铁质吸收,可助提升你身体的血液质量。
·         其丰富钾质是一项控制血压的种营养要素。
·         它可以防止你的身体免受自由基的氧化危害,是理想的抗衰老剂,可助您延缓衰老,保持你的青春。
·         最新的研究透露,植物营养素能碱化人体素质,进而缓解疲劳,促进消化及清除体内毒素,使人感觉精力充沛、乐观自信及促进更好的身体的PH值平衡,帮助减少患癌风险。

Thursday, January 14, 2010



保视力综合酵素是采用现代先进生物技术,以100%综合水果原汁经过超过2年的低温控温发酵酿制而成的,其原料包括歐洲藍莓, 枸杞, 金盏花等,均含有豐富的天然抗氧化物,是视力保健的常用的天然辅助品

歐洲藍莓-山桑子, 又称越橘,是一種富含大量超級的抗氧化物俗稱OPC的花青前素的物质花色素苷 (anthocyanin)的莓果;并具有对抗体内自由基,增强血管弹性,增加循环,预防心血管病变等等的临床认证功效。它另外還富含容易流失的維他命B群。藍莓是众所周知的維護眼睛健康的药草,富含花色素苷;花色素苷中含有一種稱為視紫質(rhodopsinvisual purple,在提升視力上扮演了关键作用物質。花色素苷不但能紓解廣泛的眼睛問題,如近視、遠視、老花眼、視網膜退化、夜盲症、青光眼、老年白內障及糖尿病所引起的視網膜病變與白內障之患者及過度使用眼睛者,还能改善胆固醇或甘油三酸酯, 胃溃疡, 静脉曲张, 微血管脆弱状况。

金盏花(Calendula officinalis)富含一种自然綜合類胡蘿蔔素(Carotenoid),命名为叶黄素, 是一种有效的抗氧剂;叶黄素只可从食物或含有叶黄素的营养剂摄取。叶黄素在眼睛保健扮演过滤有害光线的角色,提供視網膜的保护。每天10毫克的叶黄素的摄取对视觉能产生立竿见影的正面功效,特别对視網膜退化及白内障病患。

枸杞是中国人自古以来明目处方;它富含自然营养素包括胡萝卜素, 硫胺(thiamine維生素B1), 甜菜碱, 维生素, 氨基酸, 和痕量元素等。传统上以干果子形式药用于明目,提升免疫作用,养颜,防肿瘤,血脂控制, 血糖控制,促进造血功能等。

銀杏葉萃取物被广泛认证能促进记忆,防老年痴呆症, 促进血循环,改善充血不良导致的不举,耳鸣, 老年忧悒等。

葡萄种子富含纯净齐聚物寡聚原花色素(Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin),一种强有的抗氧剂,能抗体内自由基, 显效于防癌, 改善动脉粥样硬化状态和心血管疾病,减慢老化过程等。

决明子(Semen Cassiae)传统上用于治理清泄肝火,明目和润肠通便 ;是常用的自然处方,特别显效于解除红眼肿痛或舒缓畏光多泪,视线模糊和便秘。


1. 促進循環系統,尤其显效于暢順末梢微血管之血液循環,故能預防手腳冰冷。

2. 改善壓力引发的胃潰瘍症状。

3. 強化微血管、增強膠質,改善腦功能,尤其能改善記憶力衰退及預防運動神經迟钝化。

4. 強化腎臟內微血管,加强腎小球之過濾功能。

5. 可預防细胞突变和減緩衰老。

6. 增强抗疾能力。

适用族群-寻求天然处方銀髮族老年普遍眼疾病患如老花眼, 白内障, 视网膜退化, 青光眼和糖尿病视网膜病变;現代因工作需要,必須長時間看電腦螢幕的上班族、經常熬夜看書的學生、職業駕駛員,愛玩遊戲機戴眼鏡者等。



BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME is made from 100% natural fruit assorted Concentrate processed by Low Temperature Fermentation for more than 2 years under control of modern advanced biological technology. Its ingredients, including Bilberry, Fructus Lycii, Marigold Flower etc, are commonly used as natural eyesight protector on account of their abundance of anti-oxidant properties.

Bilberry also known as Blueberry, is rich for its flavonoid known as anthocyanin proven to be a potent defender against free radicals as well as booster of the elasticity of blood vessels and blood circulation in the prevention of cardiovascular disorders. It is also abundant of Vitamin B-complex, which human body is susceptible to severe deficiency.

Bilberry is widely known to the world for its protective effect on the improvement of eye vision that very much depends on its abundance of a substance called rhodopsin enclosed in anthocyanin. It plays in the retina a crucial role that not only helps relieve eye disorders like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperpia (farsightedness), poor vision, retina degeneration, night blindness, glaucoma, senile cataract, diabetic retinopathy and eye fatigue but also alleviates cholesterol or triglycerides, gastric ulcer, varicose veins, capillary fragility etc.

Marigold Flowers botanically known as Calendula officinalis contains natural antioxidant known as carotenoid, named as lutein, also identified as a Xanthophyll. It is only available from intake of foods or dietary supplements enriched with Lutein.

Lutein acts as a natural filter against damaging forms of light in the protection of macula of the eye and is believed to have eye-vision therapeutic effect verifiable with no more than simple 10 mg of prescription daily to people who has sight disorders including Cataract and Macular Degeneration.

Fructus Lycii is believed by the Chinese for centuries to be the effective booster for visual acuity and proven by the modern research to be loaded with essential nutrients including carotene, thiamine, betaine, vitamin, amino acid, and trace elements etc. It is traditionally used in the form of dried fruits for eyes’ sharpness, enhancement of the natural immune functions against sicknesses, anti-aging, anti-tumor, lipid control, upgrade of human blood-making system, control of blood sugar etc.

Ginkgo Biloba extract is widely believed to be potent reliever for memory loss associated with aging, early stages of Alzheimer's disease, poor circulation, erectile dysfunction (impotence) due to arterial circulation insufficiency, tinnitus, depression in the elderly.

Grape seed contains pure oligomeric Proanthocyanidin, one of the most powerful antioxidants, a free-radicals scavenger in the body, claimed to be preventive against cancer, atherosclerosis, as well as cardiovascular disorders and to slow the aging process.

Semen Cassiae is traditionally used to remove liver-heat, to improve eyesight, and to relax bowels. It is a frequent natural prescription for relieving Inflammation of the eye with pain or oversensitivity to light, blurred vision and constipation.

BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME’s formulation is specially aiming at the safeguard of eyes’ health and alleviation of vision disorders. Besides, it is a potent antioxidant and has the following therapeutic benefits: -

1. It helps promote blood circulation that significantly regulates blood flow to the extremities of capillary vessels resulting effective relief of limbs coldness.

2. It helps strengthen elasticity of capillary vessels, fortify collagen and boost neuro functions in the alleviation of progressive degeneration of memory and the prevention of declining responsiveness of muscular nerve.

3. It is believed to be contributory to renal capillaries wound-repair and improvement of renal glomerular filtration rate (rate for assessment of kidney function).

4. It is believed to have anti-tumor effect and helps slow down aging process.

5. It helps increase immune capacity against infection.


  • The elderly in pursuit of natural remedies for common eye disorders caused by aging such as presbyopia, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Working people who spends long hour on monitoring the electronic screen, student who studies overnight, career driver, regular computer game player and people with spectacle etc.

Usage: BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME is a pure natural fruit assorted enzyme free from any additive and safe for longterm consumption. Manifestation of deposit at the bottom of the bottle or container subsequent to durable shelf storage is normal and advisable to shake it before serving diluted with cold or warm water at the ratio 1:10 or at taste you prefer.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Smartway Tea

Smartway Tea is a nourishing weight-loss and anti-senile formula, used for the management of obesity, prevention of arteriosclerosis hypertension and diabetes. It accelerates burning of body's stored fat by increasing metabolism that maximizes body’s consumption on the calories for energy. This safe, effective formula not only supports weight loss, increases energy but also suppresses appetite that further diminish excessive food intake.


Traditionally used as natural health beverage for boosting bowel movements, improving digestion, relieving constipation and reducing body weight.

This is a traditional product.


Folia sennae 120mg

Herba Verbenae 320mg

Fructus Crataegi600mg

Tea Leave 1200mg

Use Instruction:

Brew 1 teabag in a large cup filled with 400ml of hot water for about 15 minutes, or longer for a stronger brew, drink at least 1 cup daily preferably at bed time.


If symptom persists, please consult a doctor.

Do not take this in case of influenza or pregnancy.

It may cause light laxative effect. Reduce to half dose in case of diarrhea.

Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present.

Frequent prolonged use of this preparation may result in dependence towards the product and imbalanced electrolytes.

Store in a cool place and keep out of reach of children.



功能: 传统用于通便、帮助消化及减轻体重。



番泻叶 120mg

山楂 320mg

马鞭草 600mg

茶叶 1200mg















置于30 C阴凉干燥处。

Bilberry TEA is traditional herbal remedy that aids relieve glaucoma, protect the walls of micro-capillaries in the retina and also prevent watery eyes or excessive eye secretion. It is rich in anti-oxidants known to be helpful in alleviating eye disorders such as aging-vision degeneration, cataracts and macular degeneration.

Bilberry TEA is traditional herbal remedy that aids relieve glaucoma, protect the walls of micro-capillaries in the retina and also prevent watery eyes or excessive eye secretion. It is rich in anti-oxidants known to be helpful in alleviating eye disorders such as aging-vision degeneration, cataracts and macular degeneration.

Bilberry TEA is health-boosting tea beverage, free from artificial coloring, additives, animal ingredients or preservatives and suitable for all ages.

Ingredients:Bilberry Extract, Marigold Extract, Acerola Extract, Fructus Lycii, Roselle, Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.

Recommended serving:

1 tea bag per serving,

1 or 2 times daily. Place the tea bag in a mug with hot water (150ml),

Brew for 5 minutes and serve.

Store in a cool place below 30 C.



置于30 C阴凉干燥处。

Roselle, also known as Hibiscus sabdariffa L., is a natural plant abundant of Vitamin C that helps release body heat, alleviate hypertension, tonify deficiency of blood circulation and strengthen liver functions as well as maintain Acid-Alkaline Balance. It is also an excellent herbal remedy for relieving fatigue & constipation, promoting smootaer mination, suppressing cough and enhancing body metabolism to maintain youthfulness as well as the optimal health..

Roselle Tea is made of 100% natural herbs free from artificial coloring, preservative or any animal derivative. Enjoy the mouth lingering fragrance of the Roselle Tea which is ideal for all ages and gender.

Roselle, Fructus Lycii, Folium Orthosiphon Aristatus, American Ginseng, Sweetener.

1 tea bag per serving, 1 or 2 times daily. Place the tea bag in a mug with hot water (150ml),
Brew for 5 minutes and serve.
Best served cold, add honey for additional
Storage: Keep in a cool dry place below 30 C.

Friday, July 11, 2008




• 精力不足、容易疲劳的上班一族,多处于亚健康状态,主要表现为精力不足、食欲减退、疲劳困乏、睡眠障碍、注意力分散、记忆力下降,颈、肩、腰、膝酸软疼痛,性功能低下等。服用高原蜂乳王可以增进食欲、改善睡眠、补充体力、激发活力。
• 体质虚弱、多病、衰老的人群:近代研究认为蜂乳对细胞具有再生作用,可增强造血机能,抗疾能力,对此族群,长期服用,尤为适宜。
• 需要美容护理的女性:高原蜂乳王中含有12种以上蛋白质、20多种氨基酸、10多种维生素,尤其B族维生素特别丰富,具有显著的美容功效。
• 性功能障碍者:高原蜂乳王含有三种人类生殖激素,它们分别是雌二醇、睾酮和孕酮,适度提供人体需要性激素补充。
• 贫血者:高原蜂乳王中含有铜、铁等合成血红蛋白的物质,能强化造血系统,亢奋骨髓造血功能等作用,临床上已用于辅助治疗贫血等疾病。
• 糖尿病/心脑血管病患:长期服用高原蜂乳王对三脂异常症、血管硬化、心律不齐、糖尿病等疾病患者均有很好的疗效。
• 风湿症和关节病患:高原蜂乳王内含有泛酸,可改善风湿症和关节症状。其中,王浆酸具消炎、止痛、促进伤口愈合作用,还能抑制大肠杆菌、化脓球菌、表皮癣菌、结核杆菌等十余种细菌生长。




‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ is originated from the organic bee farm in the QingHai-Tibet snowy plateau, and its royal jelly is attained from the indigenous honey bees’ milky secretions made of mixture of flower nectars that appears to be white or light yellow in color, characterized with its exceptional nutrient-richness in pollutant-free, high bio-active royal jelly acid, scientifically known as 10-HYDROXY-2-DECENOIC ACID STANDARD (10-HDA). Royal Jelly abundant of human essential amino acids, Proteins, Vitamins, Fat-Acids, Steroids, Carbohydrates and other micro-elements is supposed to be exclusively used to feed all of the larvae including the queen bee and those destined to become workers. The queen bee being consistently feed with Royal Jelly that contains Royal Jelly Acid amazingly lays 1500 ~ 2,000 eggs in a single day, a total more than her own weight. The lifespan of the Queen lasts more than five years (equivalent to hundreds years in term of human lifespan), contrary to the considerably shorter life of workers-an average of five weeks. What a miracle food.

Nutritional Components

Report on modern research studies shows that Royal jelly has an impressive array of nutrients containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, abundance of folic acid, pantothenic acid and inositol as well as acetylcholine-like substances, wide varieties of human essential amino-acids and phyto-hormones etc.

People who are recommended to use

• People on daily routine duty commonly in sub-health are symptomized by tiredness, lack of energy and appetite, and susceptible to chronic fatigue, insomnia, loss of memory and concentration, soreness and ache on neck, shoulder, waist, and knee, sexual dysfunction etc. Supreme Royal Jelly’ has the effect that increases appetite, general vigor and promote sound sleep in alleviating the subhealth status.

• People aged with weak immunity against sicknesses are highly recommended for consistent intake of royal jelly: Latest study has acknowledges royal jelly for its beneficial effects that help cell regeneration to improve cell growth, increase immunity power.

• Women in need of skin care: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ has significant skin rejuvenating effect for its richness in more than 12 varieties of proteins, over 20 types of amino-acids, more than 10 kinds of vitamins, especially plentiful of vitamin B complex.

• People with sexual dysfunction: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ offers natural source of 3 varieties of reproductive hormones, e.g. estrone, testosterone, and progesterone respectively for body proper refill.

• People suffering anemia: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ is the excellent source of blood protein binding substances such as copper, iron etc that helps strengthen reproductive system of blood cell growth, and activate blood cell production of bone marrow. It is frequently used as supplement for the treatment of anemia patients.

• Diabetes with brain and heart vascular disorders: Long-term consumption is recommended for this group of people due to royal jelly’s therapeutic benefits on alleviation of Metabolic Abnormality of Triglyceride (hyperlipidemia), hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), abnormal heart beat and high blood sugar.

• People suffering Arthritis & Joint Problems: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ contains pantothenic acid that eases symptoms of arthritis and joint Problems. And its unique health-promoting property known as 10-HAD makes remedial effects available for relief of inflammation, joint ache and boosts healing process. Moreover, it is also a potent inhibitor of more than 10 bacteria-growths such as Coliform bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, Epidermophyte, Tubercle bacilli etc.

Usage: 3 teaspoons, twice daily before meals. Increase the amount twofold for people weak in health.

Precaution: To avoid reduced effect, do not mix ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ with hot water or water steeped with tea.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

柿子水果酵素/Persimmon Enzyme Drink

柿子又叫米果、猴枣,是我国的特产, 距今已有三千多年的栽培历史。“柿”子,最早见于《礼记•内则》,野生,分布广。十九世纪后半叶传入欧洲。柿子颜色鲜艳、甜润可口,风味奇特,而且营养丰富,久食还可淡化面斑、黄褐斑,有美容、养颜、减肥的效果。
产品名称: 柿子水果酵素
原料与配料:柿子、低聚异麦芽糖 净含量:500ml/瓶 有效期:18个月 食用方法:加温水(40℃)、冷开水按1:10稀释饮用、或依各人口味浓淡调整。 产品说明:本品采用现代生物技术结合传统发酵工艺,以100%新鲜柿子发酵酿制,保留了柿子原有的营养价值。 本品不含任何食品添加剂,为纯天然的水果酵素。若有沉淀物质属正常现象,不影响品质,请安心食用。 适宜人群:追求健康生活的人群。均衡补充营养,适合长期饮用。
The persimmon, known as Shizi, MiGuo(Rice Fruit), HouZao(monkey dates)by The Chinese has more than 3000 years cultivation history. Shizi (The persimmon) is first recorded in certain section known as ‘ne zhe’ (means ‘Model of domestic virtue’) of the ancient ritual records book called‘Li Ji’ as a wild-grown fruit distributed broadly and was first introduced to Europe in the late 19th century. The persimmon, with its beautiful, brilliant orange-red glossy skin, is tasty and nutritious with characteristic flavor. Long-term consumption is significant in decolorizing dark pigment of aging spot, yellow brown spot, contributing skin-care and weight-loss effect in the upkeep of young look.

Persimmon is rich in dietary fiber, Calcium, Vitamin C, inorganic salts, minerals, flavonoids, carotene, sugar, protein, trace elements like iron, phosphorus, idodine etc and abundance of other vitamins much richer than apple, pear, peach, apricot, Plum.

Chinese Traditional Medical Masters in the previous dynasties have their research reports stating persimmon's remedial effects. During The Liang dynasty, medical Master Tao Hong Jing is quoted as saying in his medical book, ‘Ming Yi Bie Lu’(Records of prominent medical masters) that persimmon has effects on relieving fever, moisturizing the lungs, reducing phlegm and cough." According to " Ben Cao Gang Mu” (Native Chinese Plants), persimmon is described as spleen-lung tonifying fruit with bitter taste that smoothens QI flow, astringent but relievable to revitalize the spleen; it also offers intestinal astringency as well as clots bleeding. Modern medical reports show that persimmon is contributor of gastric-spleen health booster, capable to alleviate fever and moisturize the lung; it increases saliva secretion in quenching the thirst; it eliminates phlegm in relieving the cough; it reduces the blood pressure in improving blood flow to the heart coronary artery and its anti-bacteria effect benefits relief of fever caused by inflamation.The persimmon contains transformed sugar, sucrose, malic acid and mannitol, and large amount of flavonoid compound, monophonic. Fermented persimmon is the relieving supplement for suppression blood platelet congelation, prevention of the low density lipoprotein oxidation, increase elasticity of the blood vessel, clotting of bleeding, improvement of bowel function. Regular intake of persimmon enzyme is beneficial in strengthening body metabolism, purification of blood, revitalizing cellular activities of organic tissues, increasing coronary artery blood flow and is the one of the best choice fo people who suffers from hypertension and vascular disorders.
Product: Persimmon Enzyme Drink
Ingredient: Persimmon, Isomalto- oligosaccharide
Net Content: 500 ml per bottle
Shelf life: 18 months
Usage: Serve with warm (40℃) or cool water 1:10 in dilution or in dilution at individual taste.
Product description: This product is made of 100 % fresh persimmon fermented with traditional process aided by modern biological technology, which well-preserves the persimmon's unique nutritional value.
Persimmom enzyme drink is an excellant enzymatic supplement of natural purity, rich in balanced nutrients, safe for long-term consumption and suitable for people in pursuit of optimal health. Manifestation of sediment accumulation is normal with quality unaffected and safe for regular intake.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ginkgo Plus Tablet/复方银杏宝片

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

BilberryColostrum Tablet 蓝莓初乳片

蓝莓初乳片的主要成分是牛初乳(Bovine Colostrum),是源自于母牛体分娩后48小时内所产生之分泌的乳汁天然补品,富含免疫蛋白(IgG),成长因子、维生素、矿物质及氨基酸等。能有效促进人体天然的抗疾能力及健身强体。
其另一成分是蓝莓(bilberry),一種众所周知的眼睛健康维护自然辅助物,富含大量超級的抗氧化物俗稱OPC的花青前素的物质花色素苷 (anthocyanin)的莓果;具对抗体内自由基,增强血管弹性, 增加循环, 预防心血管病变等等的临床认证功效。它另外還富含容易流失的維他命B群。

1. 有效增强免疫系统,抵抗病毒。增强抗疾能力
2. 修补体内各器官受损细胞。
3. 改善虚弱体质,病体创伤复原。 促进人体整体健康。
4. 促進循環系統,尤其显效于暢順末梢微血管之血液循環,故能預防手腳冰冷。
5. 防止因壓力所引起的胃潰瘍。
6. 強化微血管、增強膠質,改善腦功能,尤其能改善記憶力衰退及預防運動神經減弱。
7. 強化腎臟內微血管,加强腎小球之過濾功能。
8. 可預防细胞突变和減緩衰老。

The key ingredient of BilberryColostrum Tablet is Bovine colostrum which is the first milk-like substance produced by a female cow within 48 hours after the birth of a calf. It contains abundantly the immune boosting factors (immunoglobulins), growth factors, vitamins, minerals and amino-acids that boost body's natural defense systems in the achievement of optimal health and well being.
The other ingredient-Bilberry, an famous eyesight protector, is abundant of flavonoid known as anthocyanin that exerts proven potent effects on anti-free radicals, enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels, improving blood flow and helps prevent cardiovascular disorders. It is also abundent of Vitamin B-complex, which are susceptible to a severe deficiency in human body.

BilberryColostrum Tablet has the following benefits:
1. Effective enhancement on immunities system, increasing the capacities of resistance against virus and illnesses.
2. It promotes cell wound repair to safeguard body organs against infections.
3. It helps recovery from poor health and body injuries in the promotion of overall body’s vitalities.
4. It promotes blood circulation especially to the eyes, significantly beneficial to blood flow of capillary vessels in the prevention of eyesight disorders and body limbs coldness.
5. It helps prevent gastri ulcer caused by pressure.
6. It fortifies elasticity of capillary vessels, strengthen collogen and boost neuro functions in the alleviation of progressive degeneration of memory and prevention of declining responsiveness of muscular nerve.
7. It helps toughen renal capillaries and improve renal glomerular filtration rate.
8. It inhibits cell tumorization and retard the aging process.

People in need
Working people who spends long hour on monitoring the electronic screen, student who studies overnight, career driver, elderly person with poor sight, regular computer game player, people with spectacle, patient under post-sickness rehabilitation and people in the pursuit for optimal health and fitness.

Cider of Burdock Root 牛蒡醋

1、牛蒡醋 Cider of Burdock Root
牛蒡含蛋白質、脂質、纖維、鈣、磷、鐵、鉀、維他命B及維他命C等養分,主要是可以疏散風熱、防癌及冠狀動脈硬化,也常被用为降血糖剂。牛蒡醋可以改善筋骨酸痛、 降血壓、幫助消化等功效。Burdock root contains nutrients such as protein, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, B vitamins, Vitamin C etc and is potent in removing body’s dampness and heat; it has effects preventive against tumorous growth and against cardiovascular hardening. Burdock Root Cider has therapeutic effects of lowering blood sugar, relieving bone-muscle ache, high blood pressure, poor digestive function etc.
*2、五葉松醋 Cider of Five Needle Pine
以米醋最基底浸泡而成。松葉的葉綠素、蛋白質、維生素A、C、K礦物質、改善末梢循環,是調氣盛品、增強記憶力、預防老人失智症、清除腦積水、改善關節炎及風濕痛、消炎退腫、預防動脈硬化、強化心臟、促進毛髮生長。Cider of Five Needle Pine is made from the most basic process of rice wine soaking. Its richness in Chrophyll, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, K mineral provides QI alleviating effect that boosts circulation in the extremities of capillaries beneficial to improvement of memory power, prevention of neuro function degeneration, removal of fluid accumulation in the brain, relief of joint inflammation and Arthritis ache, prevention of Arteriosclerosis (artery hardening), fortifying cardiovascular muscle and promoting growth of hairs.
*3、鳳梨醋 Pineaple cider
鳳梨盛產於夏季,內含鈉、鈣、鎂、碘、果糖、葡萄糖、蛋白質、檸檬酸、多種維生素與酵素。可促進食慾、幫助消化、改善便秘、治療喉嚨痛、肺炎。Pineapple harvests during summer and contains Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, iodine, Fruit sugar, Protein, Citric Acids, various kinds of Vitamins and Enzymes. It helps improve appetite, boost digestive functions, relieve constipation and has therapeutic effect on sore throat and bronchitis disorder.
*4、梅子醋Greengage Cider
梅子含有豐富蛋白質、脂肪、醣類、維生素B1、C、礦物質鈣、磷、鐵、纖維、無機鹽與酵素。可降血壓並防止膽固醇升高、改善心悸、心氣不足、預防心肌梗塞與膽結石、也可紓解暈車症狀、能調節腸道機能、消除胃酸過多、治療噁心嘔吐、澀腸止瀉、殺菌驅蟲、排除化學殘留物。養顏美容。Greengage is abundant of Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Vitamin B1, C, minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fiber, Inorganic Salts and Enzymes. It helps lower high blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol level; alleviate heartbeat abnormality, Qi-inefficiency in the cardiovascular blood flow in the prevention of the Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) and bile-stone formation. It also provides travel-related nausea relief and the toning effect in the gastrointestinal track that eliminates the excessive gastric acid to ease stomach upset like nausea and vomit, diarrhea; it is effective in cleansing the parasites and the chemical residues out of body, providing an skin-care effect.

*5、桑椹醋 Mulberry Cider
含有維生素A、B1、B2、C、D、胡蘿蔔素、礦物質鈣、鐵、醣類、有機酸、黏液質。可治感冒、咳嗽與喉嚨沙啞、改善支氣管的疾病、補血烏髮、清除宿便、明目及滋養腎臟功能。預防關節痛。Mulberry cider is nutrient-rich with Vitamin 1, B1, B2, C, D, Carotene, various minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Carbohydrate, Organic acids, mucilage. It benefits therapies of colds or flu; sore throat with a muffled voice and coughing and is used for relief of bronchitis disorders; tonifying the blood and darkening the grey hairs; improving stool functions; sharpening eye sight. It invigorates renal functions and provides preventive effect against joint aches.
*6、檸檬醋 Lemon Cider
含有身體重要的礦物質如鈣、鎂、磷、鋅、錳等,均可協助蛋白質、脂肪、碳水化合物等營養的代謝,故可改善肝的生化功能。可預防痛風及糖尿病等慢性病,亦可促進血液新陳代謝、消除疲勞、抗衰老、去黑斑等功效。Due to the abundance of various kinds of nutrients including minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium that boosts metabolism of compound of protein, fat and carbohydrate, Lemon Cider improves liver biofunctions and offers preventive effects against gaut and chronic illnesses including diabetic. etc. It also provides health benefits like promoting blood metabolism, draining away fatigue, decelerating aging process and removing aging spot etc.
*7、蘋果醋 Apple Cider
可降血壓並防止膽固醇升高、改善心悸、心氣不足、預防心肌梗塞與膽結石、也可紓解暈車症狀。具減肥功效。Apple Cider is packed with protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin B1, C, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber and enzymes. It offers health benefits such as lowering blood pressure; regularize the heartbeat, promoting heart Qi deficiency, preventing heart attack (MI) and bile stone formation. It helps to relieve travel-related nausea and stomach upset as well as to trim away body excessive fat.
*8、水蜜桃醋 Peach Cider
水蜜桃除了豐沛的水分之外,還含有蛋白質、維生素B1、B2、C、礦物質鈣、磷、鐵、鉀,與聚酚類化合物,能調整體質. 調整生理機能養顏美容. 促進新陳代謝。Peach Cider is not only full of water but also rich in protein, vitamin B1, B2, C, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other phenolic compound. Its benefits include assistance in maintaining optimal health status, improvement of body functions that boosts skin-care effects and achievement of better metabolism.
*9、巴西蘑菇醋 Brazil Mushroom Cider
提高免疫力。有高度抗癌、分解膽固醇、抗血栓作用。巴西蘑菇含有大量安基酸,是讓破壞的肝細胞再生的重要營養素。此外,巴西蘑菇含有大量為維生素B,是維生素中最需要的,可以促進肝臟新陳代謝。抗病毒,治感冒。Brazil Mushroom Cider improves the immune system, and possesses high-efficient effects of anti cancer, cholesterol decomposition and anti-blood-clotting. It contains abundance of amino acids that helps regeneration of cells to repair the liver cell damage. Moreover, its richness in Vitamin B-complex is one of the most essential nutrients in promoting liver’s metabolism in the combat against virus including flu virus.
*10、金桔薑母醋Tangerine Ginger Cider
Tangerine’s richness in vitamin B, C, P, organic acids, minerals, carotene, flavonoid compounds, lemonin, carbohydrate and coast fiber provides therapeutic effects on coughing, asthmas, high blood pressure and has attribute in preventing Arteriosclerosis (artery hardening). Ginger is beneficial in boosting overall body circulation and metabolism. It is abundant of iron, calcium etc and capable to have the cardio-muscle sympathetic nerve activity well maintained to achieve heartbeat normality; to have the body cells well controlled to attain high cell-layer permeability as well as to have the bone & teeth maintained healthily.