健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday, June 17, 2005

BilberryColostrum Tablet 蓝莓初乳片

蓝莓初乳片的主要成分是牛初乳(Bovine Colostrum),是源自于母牛体分娩后48小时内所产生之分泌的乳汁天然补品, 富含免疫蛋白(IgG),成长因子、维生素、矿物质及氨基酸等。能有效促进人体天然的抗疾能力及健身强体。
其另一成分是蓝莓(bilberry),一種众所周知的眼睛健康维护自然辅助物,富含大量超級的抗氧化物俗稱OPC的花青前素的物质花色素苷 (anthocyanin)的莓果;具对抗体内自由基,增强血管弹性, 增加循环, 预防心血管病变等等的临床认证功效。它另外還富含容易流失的維他命B群。

1. 有效增强免疫系统,抵抗病毒。增强抗疾能力
2. 修补体内各器官受损细胞。
3. 改善虚弱体质,病体创伤复原。 促进人体整体健康。
4. 促進循環系統,尤其显效于暢順末梢微血管之血液循環,故能預防手腳冰冷。
5. 防止因壓力所引起的胃潰瘍。
6. 強化微血管、增強膠質,改善腦功能,尤其能改善記憶力衰退及預防運動神經減弱。
7. 強化腎臟內微血管,加强腎小球之過濾功能。
8. 可預防细胞突变和減緩衰老。

The key ingredient of BilberryColostrum Tablet is bovine colostrum that derives from the milk of cows acquired within 48 hours upon giving birth. It contains abundantly immune boosting factors (immunoglobulins), growth factors, vitamins, minerals and amino-acids that boost body's natural defense systems in the achievement of optimal health and well being.
The other ingredient-Bilberry, an famous eyesight protector, is abundant of flavonoid known as anthocyanin that exerts proven potent effects on anti-free radicals, enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels, improving blood flow and helps prevent cardiovascular disorders. It is also abundent of Vitamin B-complex, which are susceptible to a severe deficiency in human body.

BilberryColostrum Tablet has the following benefits:
1. Effective enhancement on immunities system, increasing the capacities of resistance against virus and illnesses.
2. It promotes cell wound repair to safeguard body organs against infections.
3. It helps recovery from poor health and body injuries in the promotion of overall body’s vitalities.
4. It promotes blood circulation especially to the eyes, significantly beneficial to blood flow of capillary vessels in the prevention of eyesight disorders and body limbs coldness.
5. It helps prevent gastri ulcer caused by pressure.
6. It fortifies elasticity of capillary vessels, strengthen collogen and boost neuro functions in the alleviation of progressive degeneration of memory and prevention of declining responsiveness of muscular nerve.
7. It helps toughen renal capillaries and improve renal glomerular filtration rate.
8. It inhibits cell tumorization and retard the aging process.

People in need
Working people who spends long hour on monitoring the electronic screen, student who studies overnight, career driver, elderly person with poor sight, regular computer game player, people with spectacle, patient under post-sickness rehabilitation and people in the pursuit for optimal health and fitness.


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