Vitablue Cordyceps LingZhi Capsule 450mg
虫草灵芝 的主要成分有冬虫夏草和灵芝,详其保健效益如下:-
- 冬虫夏草
现代中國醫學臨床試驗研究結果证明冬蟲夏草具如下功能: -
1. 可以激活紅血球細胞而增強人的活力,可補益肺功能。
2. 可提高人體對日常生活環境和工作壓力的適應能力。
3. 能抑制癌細胞的生長及有降血糖的作用。
4. 能降低腦溢血和腦血栓病症发病率。
冬蟲夏草富含多种强身健体的营养: -
1. SOD(超氧化歧化脢)- 作用于消除機體內自由基,具有抗衰老、抗癌抑癌的作用。
a. 17種以上微量元素,其中有鋅、硒、鉀、鎂、磷、鈣、鐵等。
b. 12種維生素,其中維生素A、B12 、B6、B1、B2、C、D、E的含量均高於菇類,如維生素A含量是豬肝的13倍,維生素B2是人參的4038倍,豬肝的84倍,維生素C是香菇的8倍。 - 灵芝在中国千年传统中常被药用为强身健体及提高免疫力的系统的补剂。中医知其特性如活血散淤、抗氧化、化炎、止咳,化痰;常用之于控制血压、精神不振、神经衰弱、失眠症状。亦常利用其排毒性能及其所含的丰富蛋白质18氨基的酸,多肽,多糖,肌氨肽苷,萜类化合物Terpenoids(能抑制潛在的腫瘤病變),碱,糖类,金者,维生素和矿物质,以治疗,肺结核、肝硬化、支气管炎引发的咳嗽,等等。
Vitablue Cordyceps LingZhi Capsule contains ingredients extracted from the following herbs that are only available for the royal family in the ancient society of China:-
- CORDYCEP SINESIS is famed with ‘King Of The herbs’ by Chinese for centuries. It has been recorded in the ‘Ben Cao Gang Mu’ , an ancient Chinese medicine book, that it tastes bitter with natural odor; enhances lung and kidney functions and is a potent remedy for over-secretion of phlegm, uncontrollable bleeding, chronic cough with heavy breath, coughing up blood, erectile dysfunction, uncontrollable ejaculation, sore waist and knee. Modern Chinese herbal therapies has utilized Cordycep Sinensis in the recuperations for body weakness, dullness and sleepiness, anemia, weak immunity of respiratory tracks from infections, premature ejaculation, sore waist and knee, weak kidney function, cough caused by weak immunity, coughs up blood, the chest pain, asthma, emphysema, mental disorders etc. In the modern Chinese Medical study on chronic research has revealed Cordycep’s following function: -
It activates red blood cells in support of body energetic fitness and enhances lung function.
It increases the capacity of adaptability of people under pressure in their working environment and daily routine.
It provides potent suppressive effect on reproduction of cancerous cells and helps lower blood sugar level.
It helps reduce the occurrence rate of neuro-vascular disorders such as stroke etc.
Cordycep sinensisis abundant of nutritional properties beneficial to body growth and vitality:
SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) Enzyme - It helps eliminate free radicals, offering anti-aging effect and anti- cancer effects in the inhibition of tumorous growth.
It not only provides entireties but also adequacies of excellent sources of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements including 8 out of 18 amino acid essential for optimum health.
17 trace elements includes zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium,phosphorus, calcium etc.
12 varieties of vitamins include A, B12, B6, B1, B2, C, D , E are richer than mushroom whereas vitamin A is richer than big liver by 13 times, vitamin B2 is 4038 times and 84 times richer than ginseng and big liver respectively ; richness of vitamin C is 8 times of mushroom. - Lingzhi has been used traditionally for thousand years as a tonifier and detoxifier to enhance the immune system, vitality, and blood circulation, disperse stasis and accumulation, and dispel inflammation. The antitussive, expectorant, hypotensive, antihepatic and antibacterial effects of lingzhi have been exploited by the Chinese doctors in the therapies for deficiency fatigue, neurasthenia, insomnia, tuberculosis, hepatocirrhosis , bronchial cough and tumour, etc., supported by its richness of protein, 18 amino acids, polypeptides, polysaccharides, nucleosides, terpenoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, germanium, vitamins and minerals.
Indication: Traditionally used general weakness.
Dose instruction: 2 capsules, 3 times daily
Precaution: Consult a doctor if symtom persists.
Storage: Keep away from children and store in a cool and dry place.
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