Greengage Enzyme Drink / 梅子水果酵素
梅子含丰富的有机酸及多种矿物质、维生素,共同参与能量代谢,可减少疲劳感,维持循环系统的正常运作。 「梅子净菌」可调整消化系统之细菌层生态,促进肠胃消化吸收。梅子经过发酵后,其自身所含活菌会被激活,使营养更适合人体,既加速了营养成分进入人体,又 减少了营养成分的丢失。长期服用梅子酵素可养颜美容,帮助睡眠,是最天然的健康饮品。
梅子水果酵素采用现代先进生物技术规模低温控温发 酵,以100%梅子原汁酿制,保留了梅子原有的营养价值,通过独有的纤维素和梅子水果酵素有效的分解、排除您身体内的垃圾和毒素,让您做到彻底的无毒一身 “轻”。而且酵素特有的活化细胞功能可以让您的肌肤避免岁月的侵蚀而变得松弛、干涩。
① 排毒:清除体内毒素、废物等,净化身体内部环境,缓解便秘② 美白:使肌肤显得更光泽、更白皙、更娇嫩。③ 瘦身: 促進細胞新陳代謝,具有一定的瘦身作用。④ 养生:恢复精力,补充身体所需的各种微量元素。
什麼人適合補充梅子水果酵素? 在日本與台灣和中国,三地的發酵工業均很發達,也都研製許多不同的綜合酵素產品,以液態、錠狀、膠囊或粉末狀的型態上市,使用相當方便。一般而言,站在協助人體消化吸收的立場,酵素的確對某些族群是特別有幫助的:
*長期慢性病患* 銀髮族
产品说明: 本产品采用现代先进生物技术规模低温控温发酵,以100%梅子原汁酿制,保留了梅子原有的营养价值,本品不含任何食品添加剂,为纯天然水果酵素,可长期保存,若有沉淀物属正常现象,不影响品质,请安心使用。均衡补充营养,可长期服用。原料与配料:青梅,扬梅,葡萄,桑堪,异麦芽寡糖等. 净含量:500ml/瓶有效期:2年
Greengage Enzyme Drink
Greengage is rich in organic acids and various minerals that work together in metabolizing energy to relieve fatigue and promote normality of blood circulation. Greengage Enzyme is capable of activating growth of good bacteria in the digestive system, improving digestion and absorption of food. Live bacteria of Greengage become more active upon completion of fermentation that triggers higher human-adaptability of the body’s nutrients, accelerating the body’s nutritional absorbance and significantly diminishes loss of nutrients stored in the body. Regular intake of Greengage Enzyme Drink is the best choice of natural therapies for skin-care and boosting good sleep.
Greengage Enzyme Drink is made from 100 % natural Greengage Concentrate processed by Low Temperature Fermentation controlled by modern advanced biological technology that well-preserves the original health-beneficial properties of greengage’s nutrients. It keeps you thoroughly detoxified with the greengage enzymes’ unique potent decomposition capability on fiber, enabling removal of the body waste and toxic materials. Moreover, enzymes in Greengage Drink have the cell-activating effect that keeps your skin elastic and prevents you from skin dryness and excessive sagging.
The four key health benefits of Greengage Enzyme Drink
Detoxification- Elimination of toxin, waste; purifying body’s inner environments, relieving constipation.
Skin care- it keeps your skin well moisturized, fresh and elastic.
Slimming- Booster for cell metabolism to trim down body fat.
Anti-senile- Revitalization of energy, feeding the body to top-up essential trace elements.
People in need of Greengage Enzyme Drink
Fermentation industries are prosperous in the territories of China, Taiwan and Japan with their innovated products marketed in forms of fluid, tablet, capsule or powder that facilitates prompt and convenient intake. Generally in the point of view of digestibility and assimilability of nutrients, enzymes are particularly essential to people such as
· People with pale face.
· People of obese or overweight.
· People deficient in digestion.
· Working people on the run in their daily routine.
· People with chronic illnesses.
· Grey-hair senior citizen.
With the supplement of Greengage Enzyme Drinks Enzyme, these people are the beneficiary of its effective decomposition effect of enzymes to have their food intake converted to a body-assimilable form of nutrients in the digestion process. This further alleviates their unpleasant symptoms like gastrointestinal disorder, poor digestion, nutrient deficiency, chronic fatigue etc.
Usage: Dilute with warm water at the ratio 1:10 or adjust the dilution at your favorite taste.
Product description: Greengage Enzyme Drink is made from 100 % natural Greengage Concentrate processed by Low Temperature Fermentation controlled by modern advanced biological technology that well-preserves the original nutritional properties of greengage’s nutrients. It is a pure natural fruit enzyme free from any additive with durable shelf life even though manifested with deposit at the bottom of the bottle or container.
Ingredients: The greengage, plum, grape, mulberry, Isomalto-oligosaccharide etc.
Content: 500 ml
Shelf life: 2 years
Kbw 071205
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