健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday, July 11, 2008




• 精力不足、容易疲劳的上班一族,多处于亚健康状态,主要表现为精力不足、食欲减退、疲劳困乏、睡眠障碍、注意力分散、记忆力下降,颈、肩、腰、膝酸软疼痛,性功能低下等。服用高原蜂乳王可以增进食欲、改善睡眠、补充体力、激发活力。
• 体质虚弱、多病、衰老的人群:近代研究认为蜂乳对细胞具有再生作用,可增强造血机能,抗疾能力,对此族群,长期服用,尤为适宜。
• 需要美容护理的女性:高原蜂乳王中含有12种以上蛋白质、20多种氨基酸、10多种维生素,尤其B族维生素特别丰富,具有显著的美容功效。
• 性功能障碍者:高原蜂乳王含有三种人类生殖激素,它们分别是雌二醇、睾酮和孕酮,适度提供人体需要性激素补充。
• 贫血者:高原蜂乳王中含有铜、铁等合成血红蛋白的物质,能强化造血系统,亢奋骨髓造血功能等作用,临床上已用于辅助治疗贫血等疾病。
• 糖尿病/心脑血管病患:长期服用高原蜂乳王对三脂异常症、血管硬化、心律不齐、糖尿病等疾病患者均有很好的疗效。
• 风湿症和关节病患:高原蜂乳王内含有泛酸,可改善风湿症和关节症状。其中,王浆酸具消炎、止痛、促进伤口愈合作用,还能抑制大肠杆菌、化脓球菌、表皮癣菌、结核杆菌等十余种细菌生长。




‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ is originated from the organic bee farm in the QingHai-Tibet snowy plateau, and its royal jelly is attained from the indigenous honey bees’ milky secretions made of mixture of flower nectars that appears to be white or light yellow in color, characterized with its exceptional nutrient-richness in pollutant-free, high bio-active royal jelly acid, scientifically known as 10-HYDROXY-2-DECENOIC ACID STANDARD (10-HDA). Royal Jelly abundant of human essential amino acids, Proteins, Vitamins, Fat-Acids, Steroids, Carbohydrates and other micro-elements is supposed to be exclusively used to feed all of the larvae including the queen bee and those destined to become workers. The queen bee being consistently feed with Royal Jelly that contains Royal Jelly Acid amazingly lays 1500 ~ 2,000 eggs in a single day, a total more than her own weight. The lifespan of the Queen lasts more than five years (equivalent to hundreds years in term of human lifespan), contrary to the considerably shorter life of workers-an average of five weeks. What a miracle food.

Nutritional Components

Report on modern research studies shows that Royal jelly has an impressive array of nutrients containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, abundance of folic acid, pantothenic acid and inositol as well as acetylcholine-like substances, wide varieties of human essential amino-acids and phyto-hormones etc.

People who are recommended to use

• People on daily routine duty commonly in sub-health are symptomized by tiredness, lack of energy and appetite, and susceptible to chronic fatigue, insomnia, loss of memory and concentration, soreness and ache on neck, shoulder, waist, and knee, sexual dysfunction etc. Supreme Royal Jelly’ has the effect that increases appetite, general vigor and promote sound sleep in alleviating the subhealth status.

• People aged with weak immunity against sicknesses are highly recommended for consistent intake of royal jelly: Latest study has acknowledges royal jelly for its beneficial effects that help cell regeneration to improve cell growth, increase immunity power.

• Women in need of skin care: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ has significant skin rejuvenating effect for its richness in more than 12 varieties of proteins, over 20 types of amino-acids, more than 10 kinds of vitamins, especially plentiful of vitamin B complex.

• People with sexual dysfunction: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ offers natural source of 3 varieties of reproductive hormones, e.g. estrone, testosterone, and progesterone respectively for body proper refill.

• People suffering anemia: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ is the excellent source of blood protein binding substances such as copper, iron etc that helps strengthen reproductive system of blood cell growth, and activate blood cell production of bone marrow. It is frequently used as supplement for the treatment of anemia patients.

• Diabetes with brain and heart vascular disorders: Long-term consumption is recommended for this group of people due to royal jelly’s therapeutic benefits on alleviation of Metabolic Abnormality of Triglyceride (hyperlipidemia), hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), abnormal heart beat and high blood sugar.

• People suffering Arthritis & Joint Problems: ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ contains pantothenic acid that eases symptoms of arthritis and joint Problems. And its unique health-promoting property known as 10-HAD makes remedial effects available for relief of inflammation, joint ache and boosts healing process. Moreover, it is also a potent inhibitor of more than 10 bacteria-growths such as Coliform bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, Epidermophyte, Tubercle bacilli etc.

Usage: 3 teaspoons, twice daily before meals. Increase the amount twofold for people weak in health.

Precaution: To avoid reduced effect, do not mix ‘Supreme Royal Jelly’ with hot water or water steeped with tea.