健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cider of Burdock Root 牛蒡醋

1、牛蒡醋 Cider of Burdock Root
牛蒡含蛋白質、脂質、纖維、鈣、磷、鐵、鉀、維他命B及維他命C等養分,主要是可以疏散風熱、防癌及冠狀動脈硬化,也常被用为降血糖剂。牛蒡醋可以改善筋骨酸痛、 降血壓、幫助消化等功效。Burdock root contains nutrients such as protein, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, B vitamins, Vitamin C etc and is potent in removing body’s dampness and heat; it has effects preventive against tumorous growth and against cardiovascular hardening. Burdock Root Cider has therapeutic effects of lowering blood sugar, relieving bone-muscle ache, high blood pressure, poor digestive function etc.
*2、五葉松醋 Cider of Five Needle Pine
以米醋最基底浸泡而成。松葉的葉綠素、蛋白質、維生素A、C、K礦物質、改善末梢循環,是調氣盛品、增強記憶力、預防老人失智症、清除腦積水、改善關節炎及風濕痛、消炎退腫、預防動脈硬化、強化心臟、促進毛髮生長。Cider of Five Needle Pine is made from the most basic process of rice wine soaking. Its richness in Chrophyll, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, K mineral provides QI alleviating effect that boosts circulation in the extremities of capillaries beneficial to improvement of memory power, prevention of neuro function degeneration, removal of fluid accumulation in the brain, relief of joint inflammation and Arthritis ache, prevention of Arteriosclerosis (artery hardening), fortifying cardiovascular muscle and promoting growth of hairs.
*3、鳳梨醋 Pineaple cider
鳳梨盛產於夏季,內含鈉、鈣、鎂、碘、果糖、葡萄糖、蛋白質、檸檬酸、多種維生素與酵素。可促進食慾、幫助消化、改善便秘、治療喉嚨痛、肺炎。Pineapple harvests during summer and contains Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, iodine, Fruit sugar, Protein, Citric Acids, various kinds of Vitamins and Enzymes. It helps improve appetite, boost digestive functions, relieve constipation and has therapeutic effect on sore throat and bronchitis disorder.
*4、梅子醋Greengage Cider
梅子含有豐富蛋白質、脂肪、醣類、維生素B1、C、礦物質鈣、磷、鐵、纖維、無機鹽與酵素。可降血壓並防止膽固醇升高、改善心悸、心氣不足、預防心肌梗塞與膽結石、也可紓解暈車症狀、能調節腸道機能、消除胃酸過多、治療噁心嘔吐、澀腸止瀉、殺菌驅蟲、排除化學殘留物。養顏美容。Greengage is abundant of Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Vitamin B1, C, minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Fiber, Inorganic Salts and Enzymes. It helps lower high blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol level; alleviate heartbeat abnormality, Qi-inefficiency in the cardiovascular blood flow in the prevention of the Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) and bile-stone formation. It also provides travel-related nausea relief and the toning effect in the gastrointestinal track that eliminates the excessive gastric acid to ease stomach upset like nausea and vomit, diarrhea; it is effective in cleansing the parasites and the chemical residues out of body, providing an skin-care effect.

*5、桑椹醋 Mulberry Cider
含有維生素A、B1、B2、C、D、胡蘿蔔素、礦物質鈣、鐵、醣類、有機酸、黏液質。可治感冒、咳嗽與喉嚨沙啞、改善支氣管的疾病、補血烏髮、清除宿便、明目及滋養腎臟功能。預防關節痛。Mulberry cider is nutrient-rich with Vitamin 1, B1, B2, C, D, Carotene, various minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Carbohydrate, Organic acids, mucilage. It benefits therapies of colds or flu; sore throat with a muffled voice and coughing and is used for relief of bronchitis disorders; tonifying the blood and darkening the grey hairs; improving stool functions; sharpening eye sight. It invigorates renal functions and provides preventive effect against joint aches.
*6、檸檬醋 Lemon Cider
含有身體重要的礦物質如鈣、鎂、磷、鋅、錳等,均可協助蛋白質、脂肪、碳水化合物等營養的代謝,故可改善肝的生化功能。可預防痛風及糖尿病等慢性病,亦可促進血液新陳代謝、消除疲勞、抗衰老、去黑斑等功效。Due to the abundance of various kinds of nutrients including minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium that boosts metabolism of compound of protein, fat and carbohydrate, Lemon Cider improves liver biofunctions and offers preventive effects against gaut and chronic illnesses including diabetic. etc. It also provides health benefits like promoting blood metabolism, draining away fatigue, decelerating aging process and removing aging spot etc.
*7、蘋果醋 Apple Cider
可降血壓並防止膽固醇升高、改善心悸、心氣不足、預防心肌梗塞與膽結石、也可紓解暈車症狀。具減肥功效。Apple Cider is packed with protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin B1, C, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber and enzymes. It offers health benefits such as lowering blood pressure; regularize the heartbeat, promoting heart Qi deficiency, preventing heart attack (MI) and bile stone formation. It helps to relieve travel-related nausea and stomach upset as well as to trim away body excessive fat.
*8、水蜜桃醋 Peach Cider
水蜜桃除了豐沛的水分之外,還含有蛋白質、維生素B1、B2、C、礦物質鈣、磷、鐵、鉀,與聚酚類化合物,能調整體質. 調整生理機能養顏美容. 促進新陳代謝。Peach Cider is not only full of water but also rich in protein, vitamin B1, B2, C, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other phenolic compound. Its benefits include assistance in maintaining optimal health status, improvement of body functions that boosts skin-care effects and achievement of better metabolism.
*9、巴西蘑菇醋 Brazil Mushroom Cider
提高免疫力。有高度抗癌、分解膽固醇、抗血栓作用。巴西蘑菇含有大量安基酸,是讓破壞的肝細胞再生的重要營養素。此外,巴西蘑菇含有大量為維生素B,是維生素中最需要的,可以促進肝臟新陳代謝。抗病毒,治感冒。Brazil Mushroom Cider improves the immune system, and possesses high-efficient effects of anti cancer, cholesterol decomposition and anti-blood-clotting. It contains abundance of amino acids that helps regeneration of cells to repair the liver cell damage. Moreover, its richness in Vitamin B-complex is one of the most essential nutrients in promoting liver’s metabolism in the combat against virus including flu virus.
*10、金桔薑母醋Tangerine Ginger Cider
Tangerine’s richness in vitamin B, C, P, organic acids, minerals, carotene, flavonoid compounds, lemonin, carbohydrate and coast fiber provides therapeutic effects on coughing, asthmas, high blood pressure and has attribute in preventing Arteriosclerosis (artery hardening). Ginger is beneficial in boosting overall body circulation and metabolism. It is abundant of iron, calcium etc and capable to have the cardio-muscle sympathetic nerve activity well maintained to achieve heartbeat normality; to have the body cells well controlled to attain high cell-layer permeability as well as to have the bone & teeth maintained healthily.


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