健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Thursday, January 14, 2010



保视力综合酵素是采用现代先进生物技术,以100%综合水果原汁经过超过2年的低温控温发酵酿制而成的,其原料包括歐洲藍莓, 枸杞, 金盏花等,均含有豐富的天然抗氧化物,是视力保健的常用的天然辅助品

歐洲藍莓-山桑子, 又称越橘,是一種富含大量超級的抗氧化物俗稱OPC的花青前素的物质花色素苷 (anthocyanin)的莓果;并具有对抗体内自由基,增强血管弹性,增加循环,预防心血管病变等等的临床认证功效。它另外還富含容易流失的維他命B群。藍莓是众所周知的維護眼睛健康的药草,富含花色素苷;花色素苷中含有一種稱為視紫質(rhodopsinvisual purple,在提升視力上扮演了关键作用物質。花色素苷不但能紓解廣泛的眼睛問題,如近視、遠視、老花眼、視網膜退化、夜盲症、青光眼、老年白內障及糖尿病所引起的視網膜病變與白內障之患者及過度使用眼睛者,还能改善胆固醇或甘油三酸酯, 胃溃疡, 静脉曲张, 微血管脆弱状况。

金盏花(Calendula officinalis)富含一种自然綜合類胡蘿蔔素(Carotenoid),命名为叶黄素, 是一种有效的抗氧剂;叶黄素只可从食物或含有叶黄素的营养剂摄取。叶黄素在眼睛保健扮演过滤有害光线的角色,提供視網膜的保护。每天10毫克的叶黄素的摄取对视觉能产生立竿见影的正面功效,特别对視網膜退化及白内障病患。

枸杞是中国人自古以来明目处方;它富含自然营养素包括胡萝卜素, 硫胺(thiamine維生素B1), 甜菜碱, 维生素, 氨基酸, 和痕量元素等。传统上以干果子形式药用于明目,提升免疫作用,养颜,防肿瘤,血脂控制, 血糖控制,促进造血功能等。

銀杏葉萃取物被广泛认证能促进记忆,防老年痴呆症, 促进血循环,改善充血不良导致的不举,耳鸣, 老年忧悒等。

葡萄种子富含纯净齐聚物寡聚原花色素(Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin),一种强有的抗氧剂,能抗体内自由基, 显效于防癌, 改善动脉粥样硬化状态和心血管疾病,减慢老化过程等。

决明子(Semen Cassiae)传统上用于治理清泄肝火,明目和润肠通便 ;是常用的自然处方,特别显效于解除红眼肿痛或舒缓畏光多泪,视线模糊和便秘。


1. 促進循環系統,尤其显效于暢順末梢微血管之血液循環,故能預防手腳冰冷。

2. 改善壓力引发的胃潰瘍症状。

3. 強化微血管、增強膠質,改善腦功能,尤其能改善記憶力衰退及預防運動神經迟钝化。

4. 強化腎臟內微血管,加强腎小球之過濾功能。

5. 可預防细胞突变和減緩衰老。

6. 增强抗疾能力。

适用族群-寻求天然处方銀髮族老年普遍眼疾病患如老花眼, 白内障, 视网膜退化, 青光眼和糖尿病视网膜病变;現代因工作需要,必須長時間看電腦螢幕的上班族、經常熬夜看書的學生、職業駕駛員,愛玩遊戲機戴眼鏡者等。



BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME is made from 100% natural fruit assorted Concentrate processed by Low Temperature Fermentation for more than 2 years under control of modern advanced biological technology. Its ingredients, including Bilberry, Fructus Lycii, Marigold Flower etc, are commonly used as natural eyesight protector on account of their abundance of anti-oxidant properties.

Bilberry also known as Blueberry, is rich for its flavonoid known as anthocyanin proven to be a potent defender against free radicals as well as booster of the elasticity of blood vessels and blood circulation in the prevention of cardiovascular disorders. It is also abundant of Vitamin B-complex, which human body is susceptible to severe deficiency.

Bilberry is widely known to the world for its protective effect on the improvement of eye vision that very much depends on its abundance of a substance called rhodopsin enclosed in anthocyanin. It plays in the retina a crucial role that not only helps relieve eye disorders like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperpia (farsightedness), poor vision, retina degeneration, night blindness, glaucoma, senile cataract, diabetic retinopathy and eye fatigue but also alleviates cholesterol or triglycerides, gastric ulcer, varicose veins, capillary fragility etc.

Marigold Flowers botanically known as Calendula officinalis contains natural antioxidant known as carotenoid, named as lutein, also identified as a Xanthophyll. It is only available from intake of foods or dietary supplements enriched with Lutein.

Lutein acts as a natural filter against damaging forms of light in the protection of macula of the eye and is believed to have eye-vision therapeutic effect verifiable with no more than simple 10 mg of prescription daily to people who has sight disorders including Cataract and Macular Degeneration.

Fructus Lycii is believed by the Chinese for centuries to be the effective booster for visual acuity and proven by the modern research to be loaded with essential nutrients including carotene, thiamine, betaine, vitamin, amino acid, and trace elements etc. It is traditionally used in the form of dried fruits for eyes’ sharpness, enhancement of the natural immune functions against sicknesses, anti-aging, anti-tumor, lipid control, upgrade of human blood-making system, control of blood sugar etc.

Ginkgo Biloba extract is widely believed to be potent reliever for memory loss associated with aging, early stages of Alzheimer's disease, poor circulation, erectile dysfunction (impotence) due to arterial circulation insufficiency, tinnitus, depression in the elderly.

Grape seed contains pure oligomeric Proanthocyanidin, one of the most powerful antioxidants, a free-radicals scavenger in the body, claimed to be preventive against cancer, atherosclerosis, as well as cardiovascular disorders and to slow the aging process.

Semen Cassiae is traditionally used to remove liver-heat, to improve eyesight, and to relax bowels. It is a frequent natural prescription for relieving Inflammation of the eye with pain or oversensitivity to light, blurred vision and constipation.

BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME’s formulation is specially aiming at the safeguard of eyes’ health and alleviation of vision disorders. Besides, it is a potent antioxidant and has the following therapeutic benefits: -

1. It helps promote blood circulation that significantly regulates blood flow to the extremities of capillary vessels resulting effective relief of limbs coldness.

2. It helps strengthen elasticity of capillary vessels, fortify collagen and boost neuro functions in the alleviation of progressive degeneration of memory and the prevention of declining responsiveness of muscular nerve.

3. It is believed to be contributory to renal capillaries wound-repair and improvement of renal glomerular filtration rate (rate for assessment of kidney function).

4. It is believed to have anti-tumor effect and helps slow down aging process.

5. It helps increase immune capacity against infection.


  • The elderly in pursuit of natural remedies for common eye disorders caused by aging such as presbyopia, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Working people who spends long hour on monitoring the electronic screen, student who studies overnight, career driver, regular computer game player and people with spectacle etc.

Usage: BILBERRY ASSORTED ENZYME is a pure natural fruit assorted enzyme free from any additive and safe for longterm consumption. Manifestation of deposit at the bottom of the bottle or container subsequent to durable shelf storage is normal and advisable to shake it before serving diluted with cold or warm water at the ratio 1:10 or at taste you prefer.