健康食品 Health Product

Leading World Nutritionist, Researcher Dr. Mary Ruth Swope: one who wishes to achieve optimal health and stay away from sickness shall study and go after scientifically proven nutritional principles. It is impossible to have excellent health maintained without awareness of nutrients. It is an indisputable fact that human living wellness, body metabolism as well as health revitalization link inseparably with nutrients.

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Location: Bio-Energy Technology Sdn Bhd Lot 5773, Jln Emas, Nilai Industrial Estate, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

梅子水果酵素/Greengage Enzymic Drink

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(1) 调整肠胃消化:促进食物的分解,并能维持肠道内有益菌群的均衡、帮助消化,使体内各种代谢获得平衡。
(2) 排毒作用:这作用是酵素很重要的功用,能分解生病的部位,或滞留在血管里的化脓及污物等等,待清洁干净后,就能使病人的身体得到迅速恢复,加速痊愈。
(3) 杀菌消炎作用:所谓发炎意指细胞某部位受破坏损伤,病菌就开始繁殖生长。治好发炎并不全靠酵素,但酵素有搬运白血球,增进白血球功能,并提供抵抗力给损伤的细胞,治疗任何的病都是依此原则的。换言之,基本上仍要靠病人本身的抵抗力才能真正治愈。即使常被称为特效药的抗生素虽能杀死病菌,但却无法再生细胞。当利用白血球杀菌之同时,酵素本身也有杀菌作用,会把病菌杀死。
(4) 血液净化作用:意指把血液里的新陈代谢物排出体外,或分解排泄发炎所成的病毒等作用。此外,除了具有对酸性血液分解其中的胆固醇以维持弱碱外,还能促进血液循环使血液畅通。
(5) 细胞赋活作用:除能促进细胞新陈代谢,以及增加体力外,还能维持细胞排列的紧密性。青梅,一种看似平常的山里之果,散布于中国西部山脉,其实它蕴藏着一种人体特别需要的维生素、柠檬酸,葡萄、柑桔、苹果之类的水果都无法比拟。古有望梅止渴、青梅煮酒论英雄的千年典故,而今经科学测定,青梅食品是理想的绿色食品、营养丰富、滋味鲜美,具有独特的降血压、血脂、抗癌、延缓衰老和美容的医疗保健功能,以至于日本人养成了每天吃两枚酸梅的习惯。青梅含丰富的有机酸及多种矿物质、维生素,共同参与能量代谢,可减少疲劳感,维持循环系统的正常运作。 「梅子净菌」可调整消化系统之细菌层生态,促进肠胃消化吸收。长期服用梅子酵素可养颜美容,帮助睡眠,是最自然的养生保健的良品。为什么要选择梅子水果酵素?
1、 酵素最怕高温,如果温度超过摄氏60℃酵素大部份将被破坏,梅子水果酵素(Greengage Enzymic Drink)应用了特有的常温发酵工艺,整个生产过程中温度都控制在45℃以下,100%确保了酵素的活性成份。由于是常温下,发酵过程十分缓慢,梅子水果酵素生产周期都超过一年以上,酵素的活性也大大超过普通的水果酵素(普通的水果酵素生产周期只有几十天)。
2、 梅子水果酵素(Greengage Enzymic Drink)应用了从日本引进的特有生物工程技术,以青梅为主要原料,接入的特殊的发酵菌种会使其产生大量的柠檬酸(Citric Acid)与氨基酸(Amino Acid)。柠檬酸能分解饮食中所摄取的糖类及脂肪,并转化为身体的能量,以促进完整的新陈代谢,避免体内废物的生成及囤积,这种能量转换过程称之为柠檬酸循环(TCA Cycle)。一旦柠檬酸不足时,循环无法顺畅动作,造成乳酸大量堆积的结果,就容易感到疲倦,脂肪也会随之增加。若能补充足够的柠檬酸,促使能量代谢更加活泼,即可消除疲劳根源—乳酸,自然精神百倍,不再疲劳。
3、 梅子水果酵素(Greengage Enzymic Drink)中含有9种必需氨基酸及精氨酸、天门冬氨酸等18种天然氨基酸。含量最多的精氨酸可增强体力及耐力,促进生长激素的分泌,并具有保护肠道的功能。
4、 更为重要的是,梅子水果酵素所用原料(青梅、杨梅、桑椹、葡萄等)全部是来自天目山和莫干山山区里有机种植的水果,是有机产品。所谓有机,是指农作物的在整个生长及加工过程中,不使用化学肥料,化学杀虫剂,生长调节素(growth regulators)或食品添加剂(已被证明对人体健康有害), 以及不使用转基因和它们的副产品。有机食品就是无污染、健康食品,其生产成本也远远高出普通的食品。
5、 本品比起一般以醋酸为主的食用醋而言,较无刺激性,且风味香纯独特,饮用起来更为甘醇爽口。每天一杯,既可促进新陈代谢,又可调整体质,是全家人不可或缺的健康良伴。冲泡方法及饮食运用: 请用30毫升的浓缩原液冲泡150~200毫升的温冷开水饮用,或调合冰开水,其风味更加香醇可口。每日2次,于睡前及清早起床后饮用, 亦可当食物烹调之佐料、酱料或水果、沙拉的沾酱,增添独特风味。

1. An enzyme is a bio-active protein molecule also known as a biological catalyst made of polypeptide, vitamins and minerals etc. It catalyzes series of bio-chemical reactions under normal body temperature in support of body metabolism. The overall body functions ranging from endocrine secretion through maintenance of the immune system are intensely relied on the body’s enzyme system.However, subsequent to environment deterioration, pollutions of atmosphere and source of water, radiation etc, improper dietary habit, drug abuse, aging or body inner negative factors etc, the body’s enzyme system becomes weakened or deficient, affecting negatively the enzyme metabolic process. As result, excessive free radicals and toxic substances are formed, leading to cellular damage, body organ malfunction, weakened immune system and decreased anti-infection capacity. This further triggers higher occurrence rate of chronic diseases or cancerous tumors. People who suffer from chronic disease may have their immune system worn out by the long-term resistance against disease, signifying the critical relationship between enzyme and the immune system.In view of the crucial relationship of enzyme with immune system and various chronic and acute diseases, it is advisable to keep the body’s enzyme system well-functioned to stay away from sicknesses to achieve well-being and vitality. In another’s words, successful upkeep of optimal enzyme system induces potent immune functions and efficient hormone metabolism in prevention of virus infection, diseases and unhealthy conditions caused by aging.2. Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry has classified enzymes into 6 general groups: oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases (or synthases). There are about 2000 ~ 3000 varieties of enzymes, each responsible for an unique function such as helping digestion of food, upkeep of body’s structural system including bones, muscles and skin tissues, growth catalytic activities, promotions of various biochemical reaction and metabolism. Enzymes are also crucial to the biochemical reactions of vitamins, minerals and hormones in maintenance of various aspects of physiological functions influential to human lifespan.3. The concept of enzyme maybe abstruse but is observable in our daily routine such as enzyme detergent, WAKAMOTO, enzyme tissue for cleansing contact lens, (alcohol) hangover reliever, infant bath shampoo etc. These are examples associated with individual specific enzyme’s functions as approaches for safeguarding our optimal wellbeing in our daily life.Enzyme's six major functions1. Maintenance of optimal health: enzyme helps adjust body’s alkaline level, expel body waste, well balance intestinal beneficial bacteria, boost digestive function etc leading to overall body harmony.2. Anti-inflamation: enzymes do not provide direct curative effect to the inflammatory body tissue but play a recuperative role as catalyst to boost the transfer of white blood cell to the injured cellular tissue with its function enhanced to kill bacteria and inhibit it from reproduction. This is the basic principal of the healing process to induce genuine healing totally relying on body’s own immune capacity. This is unreplaceable by any potent anti-biotic that simply kills bacteria but incapable to repair cellular damage.3. Anti-bacterial effect: Not enzyme only helps carrying white blood cell to the infected tissue but also capable to kill germs directly.4. Solution effect: One of the important functions of enzyme is to help decompose infected cellular tissue and residue of pus in the blood vessels. It also plays a supporting role to help body assimilation of food that indirectly accelerates body health recovery.5. Blood purification: Enzyme helps expel metabolic waste and excrete the decomposed residue of inflammatory tissue from the body. Enzyme has effect on keeping body’s alkaline/acidic balance by decomposing the acidic molecules from cholesterol, boosting blood circulation.6. Cell-rejuvenating effect: Apart from promoting cell metabolism to achieve energetic fitness, it as well contributes potent cell-binding capability that triggers firm intercellular congregation arranged as tissues.Source of enzyme supplementBasically, natural source of enzyme is foods including fish, meat, vegetable, melon and fruit etc whereby not only enzymes but minerals and other nutrients are as well obtainable and adequate for human’s daily consumption. However, majority of enzymes is vulnerable to temperature over 60 °C and undoubtedly unsurvivable in the course of food process. It is thus explicable that our daily diet does not provide sufficient resource of enzymes and the deficiency of enzyme activities are general significant phenomenon in the modern life.Since enzymes are so crucial to our health and yet they are so rare in our daily diet, human are necessary to resort to seek supplement from intake of synthesis enzyme diet.Why SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink is the best choice for your enzyme supplement?Due to the low survival rate of enzyme under temperature of over 60 °C, SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink is processed by the exclusive enzyme/fermentation technology that works under normal temperature controlled below 50 °C. Under this temperature, the fermentation process that takes nearly one year is so time-consuming but worthy for its 100% preservation of the enzyme bioactive properties. Compared to other fruit enzymes fermented only for days, SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink is loaded with more bioactive enzymes to help you achieve optimal health.How does our enzyme/fermentation work?In this exclusive high-tech fermentation process, yeast selected for fermentation produces large quantity of Citric Acid and Amino Acid. Citric Acid plays a major catalytic role in energizing and building our cells and tissues from the metabolic breakdown of three major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, various fats and oils, and protein to finish the course of TCA Cycle without triggering production and accumulation of metabolic waste. Deficiency of Citric Acid causes halting metabolic cycle that triggers accumulation of lactose acid resulting fatigue and accumulation of body fat.
Serve SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink with regular exercise helps your body produce supplementary citris acid to activate metabolism, get rid of lactose acid that causes tiredness, in the pursuit of energetic body.SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink contains 9 varieties of essential Amino Acids and 18 natural Amino Acid including L-Arginine, L-Aspartic acid etc. The most abundant among them is L-Aspartic acid, an efficient energy burner as well as a potent
booster for good health, that helps increase vitality, stamina and endurance.SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink tastes less irritative and more appetizing in comparison with other fermented drink. It offers you an unique taste characteristic that makes you enjoy more the serving. SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink is undoubtedly your family’s best choice that helps you activate the body metabolism in alleviation of your health quality only in a serve of 1 glass daily.Serving instruction: Combine 30 ml of SHITEK Greengage Enzymic Drink blended with 150~200 ml of warm water (cold water for more tasty feel). Serve twice a day in the morning and before bed respectively. It also can be used for flavouring dishes such as saucing materials, fruit salad dressing etc, enhancing dishes with richer deliciousness.

Monday, January 24, 2005

红曲粉胶囊/Red Yeast Rice Capsule (450mg)

红曲粉具有显著的促进血液循环和控制胆固醇疗效。除米淀粉, 蛋白质, 纤维质, 甾醇, 和脂 肪酸之外, 红曲粉还包含了具有抑制肝脏胆固醇生产的莫那可林K,一种能制止酵素(即, HMG-CoA 还原酶)在肝脏发挥关键作用的活跃成分。
Red Yeast Rice has significant therapeutic benefits as both a promoter of blood circulation and cholesterol alleviator. In addition to rice starch, protein,fiber, sterols, and fatty acids, red yeast rice contains numerous active constituents including monacolin K that inhibits the production of cholesterol by stopping the action of a key enzyme in the liver (e.g., HMG-CoA reductase) that is responsible for manufacturing cholesterol.

脉路开拓胶囊/ MoluChito Capsule

1. 改善的免疫功能。
2. 克制癌症细胞的生长。
3. 加速的肝脏和脾脏抗体的形成。
4. 刺激钙和矿物的消化。
5. 激增益体细菌如双歧杆菌和乳酸细菌。
6. 减少的血液脂肪,降低血压和血糖。
7. 调整的血液的脂蛋白。
8. 减轻体重。
9. 消灭自由基
10. 激活有机体
11. 抗老化,美颜护肤。

MoluChito Capsule keeps you slim and promotes your heart efficiency in natural way. It provides you with following benefits: -
1. improving immunity
2. restraining growing of cancer cells
3. accelerating forming of antibody in liver and spleen
4. stimulating assimilation of calcium and minerals
5. proliferating sanative bacteria like bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria
6. decreasing blood fat, blood pressure and blood sugar
7. adjusting cholesterin
8. losing weight.
9. eliminate oxygen anion free radical
10.activate cells of the organism
11. anti-aging and mosturizing skin.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


蓝藻片Shitek Spirulina Tablet is mainly made of microscopic-spiral shaped plankton blue green algae that provides one of the excellant source of the most nutritious, complete and efficient foods on Earth, containing 60%-70% highly digestable protein, 10 amino acids total, full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, full-spectrum of antioxidants, mixed carotenoids, essential fatty acids, chlorophyll and SOD (superoxide dismutase). Shitek Spirulina Tablet contains 18 out of 22 amino acids and all of the essential amino acids, making it a unique vegetarian source of complete protein.
Shitek Spirulina Tablet is abundance of compounds like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that help improve immune function in the fight against infections. It as well offers 60% all-vegetable protein, essential vitamins and phytonutrients such as the antioxidant beta-carotene, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides.
Shitek Spirulina Tablet also contributes appetite suppressant effect useful for those on a weight control program.

Recommended Use:Take 2 to 6 Spirulina tablets daily as a dietary Supplement for aduits, or as recommended by Your health care professional. Store in cool, dry place and away from direct light. Keep out of reach of children.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

大麦草饮料/Barley Grass Drink

barley grass


  1. 祛病抗疾- 大麦草饮料富含能促进免疫系统的营养素如维生素B群,包括维生素B12,叶酸 ,泛酸, B1, B2, B6,β胡萝卜素, C 和 E等;其他含于大麦草饮料的恒定元素和痕量元素有超过70种的矿物包括钙,铁,镁和磷等。
  2. 排毒清肠-大麦草饮料富含大量膳食纤维,刺激肠道蠕动,强化器官解毒能力,达到强身护体作用。
  3. 瘦身减肥:其服用后的饱满感觉,利于瘦身,是代替危险泻药处方的良好膳食。
  4. 润肠通便- 大麦草饮料的高膳食纤维助软化粪便,具润肠通便的功能。
  5. 美颜益寿- 大麦草饮料中的数以万计活性植物酵素;其含有的18种氨基酸,易为血液吸收,是支援身体酵素生产的蛋白。酵素是身体内的「劳动资源」,扮演着身体器官机能操作的关键角色; 大麦草饮料也是绿叶素的丰富来源。绿叶素作用于促进身体组织及血液细胞成长,可加速创伤复原。
  6. 敏捷思维:大麦草饮料是碱性化合物丰富来源,如钠,钾,钙和镁,其显著作用是帮助平衡身体碱酸度。研究显示酸碱平衡优越者智商高于酸性身体者。
  7. 强心护肝- 大麦草饮料提供许多保健补益,包括健康肝心脏维护, 和循环系统。其中大豆卵磷脂被证明具有抗氧化物,可助缓和肝病症状,安胎和促进儿童发育。
  8. 安全膳食-大麦草饮料不含染色剂,调味剂,防腐剂等,可长期服用。
    服法: 成人: 将1瓢(10g)大麦草饮料注入300cc温水。搅拌后服用。儿童: 半量。
    注意: 服用初期,高纤维质可能导致排泄物稀烂,可适当调整服量。服后,盖紧容器。
    barley grass
    Barley Grass Drink is a fantastic organic food formulated with various kinds of specially selected ingredients such as wheat, beans, grains vegetables, seaweed that provides you the following benefits:-
    1. Protect you from infections- Barley grass Drink is excellent source of the nutrients required by human body for boosting immune system such as B vitamins, including Vitamin B12, folic acid, panthothenic acid, B1, B2, B6, beta carotene, and C and E. Other constant elements and trace elements in Barley Grass drink consists of more than 70 minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
    barley grass
    2. Cleanse your body and help growth- Barley Grass contains 30 % of dietary fibre that improves gastrointestinal health especially beneficial to body detoxification in maintenance of healthy functions of body organs.
    3. Help you control obesity: It also provides diets that give feeling of fullness in the control of obesity.
    4. Relieve you from constipation: It is especially beneficial to those who have bowel problem that improves effectively bowel regularity in replacement of taking dangerous laxatives. It is as well an excellent source of chlorophyll that not only helps purifying the body but also boosting body growth.

barley grass
5. Keep you look young and prolong your lifespan
- Barley Grass Drink is packed with thousands of active enzymes that recruit body-made enzymes in the body. It also contains 18 amino acids highly absorbable by the blood for the production of enzymes that acts as ‘labour force’ in aiding various aspects of process essential for wellbeing and vitality.
6. Keep you mental responsive- Green barley grass helps alleviate alkaline/acid balance due to its buffer minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium that contribute high alkalizing effect. Research reveals that people well-balanced acid/alkali ratio have significant higher IQ than those of acidic body.
barley grass
7. Safeguard your liver and heart healthy- Barley Grass Drink contains Soy Lecithin that provides numerous health benefits, including the maintenance of a healthy liver, a healthy heart and circulatory system, increasing physical performance, and successful pregnancy and child development. Soy lecithin is also proved to have antioxidant properties that helps alleviate the symptoms of liver disease.
8. Barley Grass Drink is safe for long-term consumption: it is free from any artificial flavoring, coloring, preservatives etc.
Direction of use: For adult: Add 1 scoop (10g) of Barley Grass Drink to 300 cc of warm water. Serve immediately.
For children: Half of the serve.
Caution: It is advisable to adjust the amount of serve adaptable to the bowel condition as result of high-fibre intake in your early stage of consumption.
Keep the container tightly capped after use.

Friday, January 07, 2005


功效: -
1. 能明显提高机体的免疫功能。
2. 镇静安眠和护脑作用。
3. 抗疲劳作用和耐缺氧能力。
4. 抗衰老作用。
5. 利尿和降低血清尿素氮作用。
6. 造血功能。
适用对象:小解困难或刺痛者, 失眠者或其他更年期症状病患等。
服法: 每日2次,每次餐后2 ~ 3 粒。

Benefits of Wuling Capsule(300mg)
1. Boost body fitness and upgrade body immune system.
2. Promote quality sleep and protect neuro functions.
3. Speed up recovery from fatigue and enhance endurance from oxygen deficit.
4. anti- senile function
5. Induce diuresis and help reduce nitrogen in the blood serum urea.
6. Stimulate blood cell reproduction.

Potential user: those who suffer from difficult or painful discharge of urine, insomnia (sleeplessness) or other post-menopause symptoms etc.Dosage : 2 ~ 3 capsules daily

Thursday, January 06, 2005

荞麦苗 Barley Grass Powder

抗氧化小先鋒Pre-SOD & 2-O-GIV
血紅素的小幫手 葉綠素與人體血液中的血紅素構造極為類似。補充富含葉綠素的大麥苗粉,可以協助血紅素攜帶養分及氧氣作用,促進體內新陳代謝,以及細胞廢棄物的排除。
痛風、減重者的輔助食品 「大麥苗粉」是屬於礦物質豐富的鹼性食物,可鹼化血液及尿液,增加尿酸的排泄,因此對於降低痛風發作方面很有幫助。一般建議:每日3~4大匙大麥苗粉(約30~40公克),可有效達到降低尿酸濃度之作用。另外,減重時的代謝廢物常會造成酸性體質,使人容易感覺疲勞、代謝率降低。適當補充大麥苗粉,可以平衡體內酸鹼值,使減重更順利。

Young Barley Grass Powder is made of the young leaves of barley organic-grown in the rich soil and is extracted by hi-tech mechanical process into a form of insoluble and micro-nutrient powder. It is famed with green super food of 21st century by its excellent resource of 100 % pure natural nutrients including dietary fibre, minerals, proteins etc.Recent research shows that 5 gram of Young Barley Grass Powder contains equivalent amount of dietary fibre to 170 gram of apple or 270 gram of vegetable; equivalent amount of calcium to 400 ml of bovine milk; equivalent amount of iron to 35 gram of spinach and equivalent amount of carotene and vitamins to 170 gram of tomato. It thus helps decrease accumulation of body fat and relieve hardening of vessels in the controls of obesity, abnormal blood pressure and high blood sugar. It is as well beneficial to protection of liver; relief of backache and menopausal symptoms; upgrade of immune system; alleviation of body odor and bad breath etc. It is undoubtedly the best choice for people who wish to combat obesity and senior citizen who suffer from constipation, hypertension and high blood cholescterol.Young Barley Grass Powder strengths body’s normal cellular immune responses to revitalize body self-protect functions. It helps prevent and fight against cancer by utilizing its most primal, natural function to inhibit growth of cancerous cell and effectively suppress transition from normal cell to cancerous cells. Clinical research shows that the abundant source of antioxidant in Young Barley Grass Powder helps revitalize liver functions from further deterioration. Pathologic studies on animal liver dissection reveals significant effect of the bioactive antioxidant of Young Barley Grass Powder in the protection of the liver from acute liver damage or chronic liver disease.
Young Barley Grass Powder is abundant of valued antioxidant properties known as PRE-SOD or SOD-LIKE enzymes that helps elimination of free radical from the body. It thus contributes therapeutic effect to various chronic diseases associated with overoxidation such as vascular disease, liver/kidney disorders, diabetic, cancer etc.

Another property that has 500 times of antioxidation effect of that of Vitamin E, belonged to flavonoids family in Young Barley Grass Powder is 2-O-GIV. It is also famed with its protective effect against sun’s outraviolet light. It is especially beneficial to people who use to be under sunlight exposure or people who suffer from sunburn.
Due to The close chemical structural similarity between chlorophyll molecule and the hemoglobin molecule in blood, Young Barley Grass Powder helps improve nutrient and oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cell by its abundance of chlorophyll. As result, It as well promotes body metabolism and excretion of metabolic waste product from the cells.
Young Barley Grass Powder is mineral rich alkali food that helps alkalize acidic blood and promote uric acid excretion that notably lessen the chances of gaut attack. Daily dosage of 3~4 spoonful of Young Barley Grass Powder (approximately 30~40 gram) is commonly recommended is commonly recommended to trim down excessive concentration of uric acid. Furthermore, appropriate supplement of Young Barley Grass powder contribute potent balancing effect on alkali-acidic level in the body in the control of obesity that generally leads to physical fatigue and high acidity in the body due to the slowdown metabolic excretion of body waste product.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


About the Product
Chito Monascus is created in response to the demand for a natural, safe, affordable alternative to strong and expensive prescription medicine/drugs in the therapy of obesity and the control of blood pressure.
The combination of many years of experience by the latest clinical studies led to this natural herbal remedy that was designed and prepared focusing on heart health by obesity and Cholesterol/Triglycerides controls.

Active Ingredients

► Chitosan - Chitosan, an all-natural fiber extract from exoskeletons of squids called Chitin, is a natural magnetic binding affinity for fat and cholesterol in the digestive tract. The binding of these fat and cholesterol molecules to chitosan fiber prevents them from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Chitosan can absorb fat and bile by 7-8 times its weight in the digestive tract. The fat and cholesterol are then excreted through the bowel, thereby improving bowel functions.

► Monascus purpureus - Taking red yeast rice can help reduce and maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promote blood circulation, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease.
It is made by fermenting a type of yeast called Monascus purpureus over red rice. Monascus purpureus, also known as Hong Qu in China, contains small amounts of Monacolin K (also known as mevinolin) which acts as lovastatin. It is identical to its function of decreasing blood cholesterol and promoting blood circulation. Laboratory studies have shown that the Monascus purpureus inhibits the action of a body enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase, known to raise cholesterol which, in turn, increases the risk of heart disease. Because of this inhibitory action, red yeast rice's therapeutic uses include the prevention and treatment of high cholesterol.

Dosage : To be taken a few minutes before meals. 3 capsules per meal are the recommended dosage.

Precaution : (a) Those with severe shellfish allergies should always consult their physician before taking any shellfish-related products.
(b) People who currently have liver disease or have recently undergone an organ transplant are also advised to seek medical advice before using.
(c) Avoid drinking grapefruit juice or eating grapefruit or grapefruit products such as marmalade while taking red yeast rice.


► 脂都散 : 一种源自乌贼软骨的全自然纤维素,俱对脂肪如磁铁般吸吮力的功能,其吸收能量相等本身的7~8倍,之后,将之排泄身外,在抑制血管对肠道内的脂肪和胆固醇的吸收能力的同时,又可促进排泄效能。
► 红曲粉 : 显效于促进血液循环,维持良性胆固醇水平,进而降低心病风险。

服法 : 每天数分钟饭前3粒。
注意事项 : (1) 凡是海鲜敏感者,肝病患者,手术后养病者,都必须服前咨询医药专业。
(2) 禁忌同柚子或相关产品共服。