1. 淫羊霍 - 其补肾壮阳,强化筋骨的功效利于治理肾亏引发的不举或举而不坚,早泄,遗精,尿床,失禁,腰酸背痛,不孕等症状。
2. 菟丝子- 一种旋花科植物的种子,具补肾益精功能,显效于治理阳痿,遗精,遗尿,尿频,不育,带下,腰膝酸痛,耳鸣等。
3. 山茱萸- 取自于山茱萸的果肉。能补益肝肾,益精明目。具疗效于肝肾虚弱所致的阳痿,尿频,不育,腰膝酸痛,胫骨酸软,耳鸣,视觉模糊等。
4. 冬虫草 - 它是中国传统医药的其中之一种最珍贵的草药,集天地阴阳之精气于一身,既可滋阴,又可助阳。它受世人瞩目于其抗老化,降血脂,护肝心功能并俱增强性欲及改善房事耐力的作用。
5. 补骨脂- 一种豆科植物的果实,具补肾益精功能,显效于治理阳痿,遗精,遗尿,尿频,不育,宫冷不育,咳喘气短等。
6. 肉苁蓉- 一种例当科植物的肉质茎,具补肾益精功能,显效于治理阳痿,遗精早泄,不育,腰膝酸痛,胫骨酸软等。
7. 黄芪- 属豆科植物,其根可补气健脾,补气生阳,托疽生饥。
8. 人参 - 一种东亚一带世代相传珍贵草药,常用于治理心神错乱,具强身及促进房事功能。此外,对一般肾亏所引发的症状如不举或举而不坚,早泄,遗精,尿床,失禁,腰酸背痛,不孕等症状,都具显著疗效。
9. 巴戟- 人尽皆知的补肾壮阳,强身健体良药。俱有强筋活络,驱除冷感湿气,促进肝肾功能,对一般手脚冰凉,腰酸背痛,长期风湿症引发的关节酸弱,疲劳都俱显效。
10. 锁阳 - 对肾虚及精血两亏所造成的不举和早泄,锁阳扮演正面补阴壮阳的角色,它明显地有助于两性生殖器官血液循环,促成充血状态。
威特宝是一种纯天然草药的补肾壮阳补品,不含化学成份如歌粉(sidenafil citrate)。对房事活动有其立罕见影的药效,赳赳雄风,如青春复返,并可持续3至5天。它的生物活性高于一般同类产品,服用后不会生产生副作用,如头痛目眩,心悸等不适症状。适合长期服用。
服法 : 每隔天就寝前45分以暖开水服1粒,一天不可超过2粒。
Hemax-PLus is an excellent food supplement made of 100 % natural ingredient extracts derived from epimedium, cordyceps and semen cuscutae,herba cistanches etc. And the bioactive properties of these herbs are secured with the well preservation through the extracting process by advanced technology and facilities. Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutritional Philosophy, other supportive herbs are supplemented to the combination for further improvement of its efficacy. The accomplished formulated combination is of the following herbs with their key indications: -
1. Epimedium : Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed, helps invigorate the kidneys and strengthen yang(for deficiency of kidney-yang manifested as impotence, emission, enuresis, frequent micturition, soreness of the waist and the knees, and sterility), strengthen tendons and bones.
2. Semen cuscutae : Also known as Dodder seed, a kidney yang tonic and is widely used to remedy sexual problems like impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count that arise from kidney yang deficiency. In general, it nourishes the kidney organ in the body, boosting energy levels. As such it is also helpful for others symptoms of kidney deficiency like low back pain, tinnitus, diarrhea, dizziness, and blurred vision. It also has a long history of use as a longevity herb.
3. Corni Fructus- Tonic for kidney, virility. Treatment for spermatorrhea, pain in back, weary in knee, much times of uncrate at night, tinnitus, impotence.
4. Cordyceps : Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis), one of the most valuable and expensive herbs in traditional Chinese medicine, has received international attention for its pharmacological properties useful as an anti-aging aid; lowering high cholesterol, protecting the liver, increasing sex drive with enhancement of endurance, and supporting the heart.
5. Fructus Psoraleae- Invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang. For sufficiency of kidney-yang manifested as cold pain of the waist and knees, impotence, emission, enuresis, frequent micturition, cough, dyspnea and shortness of breath, metorrphagia and sterility.
6. Herba cistanches- Invigorate the kidney and supplement essence: For deficiency of kidney-yang and insufficiency of essence and blood manifested as impotence, emission, praecox ejaculation, sterility, flaccidity of extremities and cold pain of the waist and knees. Moisturize the intestine and relax bowels: For constipation due to dryness of the intestine in the aged, and the diseased, and the puerperant with deficiency of blood and consumption of body fluid.
7. Radix Astragali- Invigorate vital energy and spleen; for spleen-deficiency with poor appetite, loose stools, fatigue and bleeding, usually used together with Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae and Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae; for deficiency of both vital energy and blood, used together with Radix Angelicae Sinensis.
8. Panax ginseng : Herb that has been used in East Asia for centuries in the therapy of psychiatric and neurological disorders, as well as for enhancing vitality and boosting sexual stamina. Warm the kidney and strengthen yang: For deficiency of kidney-yang manifested as impotence, emission, enuresis, frequent micturition and sterility.
9. Morindae Officinalis: Radix helps Strengthen the tendons and bones, expel cold and dampness to advance function of liver and kidney manifested as weakness of extremities, soreness of the waist and knees; or chronic rheumatism with weakness, cold pain of the joints, fatigue and pale tongue.
10. Herba Cynomorii: It helps increasing blood flow to the genitals of both men and women. It invigorates the kidney and supplement essence: For deficiency of kidney-yang and insufficiency of essence and blood manifested as impotence, emission.
Hemax Plus does not contain any chemical ingredient but a combination of food herbs traditionally used for improving sexual endurance, sex performance, erectile dysfunction and fertility. Its almost instant efficacy can prolong to 3 ~ 5 days due to its high bioactivities. Long term dosage is recommended for well being of men and wemen.
No known side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache and irregular heartbeat have been reported.
Usage Directions : Take one (1) capsule before bed on alternate day with warm water. Do not exceed two (2) capsules in one day.